Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Next New Thing

The Next New Media could be an instant food-ordering mobile app. When we walk on the street or watch TV, we see some delicious food and want to know what it is. This app will allow you to take a picture of the food, recognizes what the food is and gives you a link that you can order online. The app can also show stores where they sell the food. This app will save your time to search for the food and order the food. For example, if you watch TV and see a commercial that features the chocolate. The chocolate in the commercial catches your eyes but it does not say which brand it is from. Then, you can take a photo of the chocolate in the commercial with this app. This app will tell you which brand it is from, where you can purchase (store or online) and how much it is. The app will also tell you the availability of chocolate. This will save much time of customers to look for food and increase their satisfaction with the app as well. The growth of New Media is unstoppable. And, the creativity and development of New Media is beyond our imagination. They can change the landscape of our daily life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have contributed some changes on few pages. First was the wiki about Marketing, and I made some change what are some social networking pages are used for marketing. The social media pages that I added are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Another change that I made was on New Media and social networking. I made a change in "Google Translate" section. I added how Google Translate also has a voice recording option, which the user can say a word or sentence to a microphone, and the page will translate it into the language that you want. I have created my page, but not begun working on it yet. I am planning to do research and write about Big Data and its impact on marketing industry. Big Data is the enormous amount of both structured and unstructured data existing in our world now. Big Data affects every industry - from financial institutions, government, healthcare, manufacturing to marketing. Big Data is creating new marketing landscape for our current digital world. The marketers now collect the data for the customers from everywhere: online purchase data, social media pages, mobile data usage, browsing history, etc. It changes the course of marketing decision strategies.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is sharing and providing the access to digital media such as images, music, videos and computer programs and other type of files. From file sharing, one can store the files, transmit and get an access to the files on any computers and from anywhere. P2P, Peer to Peer, file sharing is sharing files among people using P2P networking technology. When the user is on this software, he or she can search and get an access to files from the computers of other users on the software. The software allows people to share files, such as music, video, images and documents. One example of P2P software is On this website, you can search for songs, videos or other documents and download them. The other users share the files and look for the file that they want as well. From the article called "Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it", P2P sites can create attention needed to bring big audience to the film called Steal This Film. According to article, the author wrote, "The Pirate Bay, with its millions of unique daily users, was the initial point of explosion of interest in Steal This Film." This is a great example how P2P helps to spread the awareness of the film and bring more audience.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


As New Media exponentially expands, our risk of protecting privacy is drastically going up, too. Any activity you do on online become your data. Your Internet browsing history, purchasing history, and engagement on social media pages. Your likes, comments, retweets, posts and shares become your data. Then these social media pages sell these data to the companies who want to analyze the behavior of their customers. According to article, "The Wild West of Privacy", the author wrote that "The companies like Facebook, that collect a hundred different data points, both off-line and online, and create scores and profiles that they sell to anyone who wants to buy them." And, these social media companies do not care where those data are used for.

Another compelling example of privacy problem from New Media is Target. Couple of years ago, Target recognized its 16-year-old customer that she was pregnant from her past purchasing habits. Then, Target kept sending mails, coupons regarding pregnancy, which eventually led her parents to find out about her pregnancy. This is definitely the biggest downturn of New Media. New Media should also provide the users some control of which data they can use. In order to protect the privacy, people should control what their engagement on Internet and be careful with which data that they are providing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

If I were hired by Baruch College, I would use New Media to foster the communication between a student and professor. If professor wants to contact the student or vice versa, he or she most likely use email to communicate. However, some students do not get notified when they get email; so, they may forget to check. So, I think it would be very convenient if there is a live-chat between students and professor. This would allow save time for students and professor to communicate with each other; they do not need to wait hours for receiving an email.
This live-chat can be also used in the class, too. Some students want to ask questions in class, but they might be shy or do not know right timing to ask question. This live-chat can help these students to ask questions actively in class and professor to recognize that there are questions. New Media can create better communication environment between professor and students.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Creativtiy and New Media

The above link explains what "Neural Doodles" is and how it works. Neural Doodles is a new machine learning tool, which will transform your art draft (rough draft) into a fantastic masterpiece. According to this article in the above link, it says, " Neural Patches lets the algorithm process images in a context-sensitive manner. Now, when style transfer techniques are extended with controls and annotations, they can process images in a meaningful way: reducing glitches and increasing user control." This machine learning tool creates an algorithm ( a model) which will detects deficiencies from your draft drawing, remove them and create a complete art piece.
I believe that this is a great example of how New Media fosters creativity. The new technology can turn into you an artist without paying for expensive art schools. With new machine learning, one can create any art piece he or she wants.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


New media fosters creativity. On media, you can create your own virtual world and show your abilities with less limits than the ones in the reality. According to Brooks Barnes’s article “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?”, the YouTubers can make parodies of others without being penalized for copyrights. One example that was shown in the article was people's making parodies of Soulja Boy's "Crank That". People use Disney characters to make parodies of that song. Online, people can demonstrate their creativity to others much easier than how they do in the reality. Less restriction for the people. It takes only two seconds to upload the video online. This is an example of how media encourages one's creativity.