Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Next New Thing

The Next New Media could be an instant food-ordering mobile app. When we walk on the street or watch TV, we see some delicious food and want to know what it is. This app will allow you to take a picture of the food, recognizes what the food is and gives you a link that you can order online. The app can also show stores where they sell the food. This app will save your time to search for the food and order the food. For example, if you watch TV and see a commercial that features the chocolate. The chocolate in the commercial catches your eyes but it does not say which brand it is from. Then, you can take a photo of the chocolate in the commercial with this app. This app will tell you which brand it is from, where you can purchase (store or online) and how much it is. The app will also tell you the availability of chocolate. This will save much time of customers to look for food and increase their satisfaction with the app as well. The growth of New Media is unstoppable. And, the creativity and development of New Media is beyond our imagination. They can change the landscape of our daily life.


  1. Hi Boyeong,
    I think you have a wonderful idea going! There have been many times where I wouldn't know the brand of a product. Whether it is food, beauty or fashion related I would like to know it's brand so I can purchase the items of my interest. This app would make my life so much simpler and would definitely increase my happiness level to know that I can buy the product or at least something similar to the product that catches my eye.

  2. Hi boyeong,
    That was amazing idea,if that realize in the future.we can more easliy find what food we want,and dont need waste time to find somewhere else.It is great idea for lazy people lol just like me.

  3. Hi Boyeong,
    I think this is going to be a great idea. Sometimes there's this food you really like and have a picture of, but not really sure what it is called and would like to eat it. This idea would help a lot especially food with foreign names.

  4. Hi Boyeong,
    You are right. I often cannot recognize what food is because there are different types food from different countries. For now on, only apps which take a photo of your food, it tells you the calorie load. So your idea is great, it will help me a lot in the future.

  5. Hi Boyeong,

    This addition to new media would change the experience and interaction of users altogether. There have been so many times when I've come across photos of food that look amazing, yet the person posting the photo never mentioned where it was from. Another feature this app can have would be a rating of the food. While some dishes look amazing, not all of them are just as tasty, unfortunately. However, this idea is amazing!

  6. That's a great idea! Some companies have already started to do something similar, for example there have been commercials with a banner at the bottom reading something like "Shazam now to learn more." But I think your idea of doing this through pictures would be much easier. If you are familiar with the new way Snapchat allows users to add friends (by taking a picture of their unique Snapchat icon directly off of their phone's screen), I think a similar technology could be incorporated into commercials to allow your idea to come to fruition!

  7. I like your idea. Google has the option of searching by images. I also read today that they are launching a visual shopping ad-linking the searched image to shopping websites. I'm sure it won't be long before an app is developed for foods.
