Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have contributed some changes on few pages. First was the wiki about Marketing, and I made some change what are some social networking pages are used for marketing. The social media pages that I added are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Another change that I made was on New Media and social networking. I made a change in "Google Translate" section. I added how Google Translate also has a voice recording option, which the user can say a word or sentence to a microphone, and the page will translate it into the language that you want. I have created my page, but not begun working on it yet. I am planning to do research and write about Big Data and its impact on marketing industry. Big Data is the enormous amount of both structured and unstructured data existing in our world now. Big Data affects every industry - from financial institutions, government, healthcare, manufacturing to marketing. Big Data is creating new marketing landscape for our current digital world. The marketers now collect the data for the customers from everywhere: online purchase data, social media pages, mobile data usage, browsing history, etc. It changes the course of marketing decision strategies.

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